11 Ways to Get More from Your Marketing Today

The Marketer’s Guide to Marketing in Print is an insight-filled 40-page guide to help today’s brands get the best for their marketing buck. Here’s the proof that print can deliver for your marketing today.


Learn all this and more: 

How print can play a key role in your sustainability strategy

• Why print cuts through in an age of digital overload 

• How print helps build brand credibility 

• Tips to get the best from digital and print working together 

• How to use print to turn happy customers into loyal advocates 


Did you know that print is seen as four times more trustworthy than social media?

Sappi/Kantar survey

Did you know that forests in Europe are growing at a rate of more than 600 million m3 every year?


Did you know that brands can boost purchase rates by 24% by sending consumers a catalogue?

Harvard Business Review

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