Technical Brochures: The Best of Our Know-How At Your Reach
All our paper making and printing expertise in action
Working together with printers means sharing expert knowledge and how-to experience. We’ve put our best people on to creating a range of tried and trusted technical brochures that we want you to make the most of. These brochures present the best of our know-how about paper and print. Created for managers and technical professional in the printing industry, this content enriches our conversation with pragmatic technical advice that can help you improve your print processes and operations.
Take a peek inside our technical brochures
The Paper Making Process
Learn how Sappi makes its first class paper, starting with the production of wood, converting it to pulp and then into a thin base paper followed by coating.
Colour Management
Master the colour management process for your printing projects with tips, practical examples and valuable content covering topics such as light and colour, measuring paper shade, optical brighteners and much more.
Climate and Paper
This publication will clarify some of the more serious negative effects of climate circumstances. It offers guidelines for correct handling of coated papers, one of the pre-conditions for optimal control during the actual process of printing.
Folding and Creasing Technical Brochure
This brochure is intended to provide an explanation and help with the folding and creasing of coated papers. In addition, a simple overview of folding techniques is presented.
Paper, Ink and Press Chemistry Technical Brochure
A final printed product has three components: paper, ink and fount solution emulsified in the ink. These key components are complex in composition and the process of bringing them together to satisfy a broad range of customers is extremely challenging.