How Doordrop Can Boost Your Marketing Performance
Delivering marketing results doesn’t get much more real than direct mail and doordrop arriving in the hand of the consumer at their home address.

That’s why Mark Davies, MD of Whistl in the UK (and president of the European Letterbox Marketing Association), has some interesting things to say on the subject…
“During Covid, postal marketing channels have remained open for business and brands that have a relevant message for those at home have seen an opportunity. Many clients are reporting best-ever performance from their direct marketing.
“An example is a client we have in the home improvement sector. As lockdown eased, the company’s mix of pay-per-click and social media drew a steady flow of leads. Then they sent a doordrop. The impact on leads – a rise of 113% – was both dramatic and instantly attributable to the doorpdrop, as nothing else changed in their marketing mix.

“Correlating the website enquiries to the postcodes that received the doordrop demonstrated that it was the offline marketing that delivered that online response."
“A lot of online business have been guilty of clumsy marketing thinking: I am online; my customers are online; I should market online. But digital businesses do not have digital customers. They have customers that live and operate in the real world and move seamlessly between offline and online touchpoints.
“As the best marketing is integrated, so all marketing should aspire to be as integrated as their customers.
“Smart marketers are waking up to the results that print can generate. We are performance marketing writ large – properly accountable, delivering real world results from real people targeted in the real world.”