Our Joint Success is Print Media’s Future
Like you, at Sappi we are committed to the future of print media. Find out how the power of partnership equals concrete solutions
Sappi is your partner in print
We all know the real and growing challenges that the print industry faces due to increasing media competition. We all have to learn how to deal with on-going disruption and a tough new reality.
At Sappi, we are totally committed to ensuring that print remains an effective and financially attractive choice – for our customers and for our customers’ customers…and we put our money where our mouth is.
During the past six years, we have invested €500m in our European graphic paper business alone.

Commitment and co-development
A crucial part of our investment is in services and solutions to co-develop with our print partners that boost opportunities and maximise efficiencies for them. We’re talking about commitment and co-development.
We set ourselves apart by maintaining strong local teams of sales staff and technical experts whose job it is to understand local business conditions and deliver specific local offerings.
We’re talking individual, tailored business solutions that provide value above and beyond the paper itself. The way we see it, your success is our success.
We want to work with you as partners in print to create mutual value, boost profitability and cut costs for your business in partnership with ours.
Our joint success is how we change our industry’s future.